Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Yet Another New Aide to Mr Cameron

Fresh news from the politics section of the BBC's website that seems to have caused no little controversy in Westminster. Following last month's reports of Number 10's rat problem, the right honourable household has adopted Larry the cat, a former stray, who has experience in ratting from his time on the streets. The tom is a tabby moggy, who is apparently family friendly, and if my personal experience of stray toms is anything to go by, he'll be (as my dad says) built like a brick shithouse, and will no doubt be leaving many a gall bladder in our PM's slippers.

Larry was chosen by the pro-cat faction of Downing Street, despite calls from MPs that dogs make better hunters, one saying that "a good Jack Russel would come and sort out the problem pretty damn quick." He will join the ranks of former chief mousers such as Rufus of England, the Munich Mouser, and Humphrey, of the Thatcherite era.

As a cat-lover I'm very happy to hear that Battersea Cats and Dogs' home has lost a resident. Though I can't help but think that many Country-Tories will be outraged at the hypocrisy. If they can't hunt, why can he? It's also worth wondering whether we'll be seeing a new name on the sheets of the expenses scandal, having spent £5000 on Sheba and a luxuriously plumed scratching post.

So tell me, avid readers, which are you? Cat, or Dog?



  1. A cat person?
    If you had a heart attack or something in your living room, two things could happen:

    If you were smart enough to have a DOG:
    It's probably go outside, bark for help, call 999 and begin CPR.

    If you were dumb enough to get a CAT:
    It's sit and watch you die before eating your face and leaving to find another food source.

    Point made.

  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-485990/I-fear-reflection-says-worlds-face-transplant-patient.html

    point rebuffed

  3. You got that from THE DAILY MAIL -
    Game, set and match.

  4. You want me to play your game?
