Wednesday, 16 February 2011

GBH Revisited

As my commited readers (Hi Mum!) will know, way back when, I mentioned that I was involved in a dispute against a bouncer. What I mean is that he kicked me in the face and knocked out two of my teeth, but let's not get pedantic. Obviously the police got involved, and started a case of GBH against said bouncer.

However, despite the fact that this happened within three feet of the club I was being 'escorted' out of, and there was a hefty queue still wanting to go in, who clearly saw it happen, there was no CCTV evidence of it happening (the CID guy in charge of the case called it a 'blip') and only about two people came forward as witnesses, aside from those I approached directly.

The case trudged on without gaining much traction, the bouncers all denied it, saying I was headbutted by someone in the queue (I was wondering where my teeth ended up, they must have been lodged in this fictional forehead). About a month or two ago, CID man called me sheepishly to say that the case was being dropped because there wasn't enough  decent evidence to bother going to court with. He hastened tp explain about evidence needing to be 'beyond reasonable doubt', which I found somewhat ironic seeing as that's one of the things I've been learning about in Media Law. I did get the impression that he was used to people shouting at him at that point as they don't understand what that means. Basically the only real evidence I had in my favour were the witnesses, and let's face it, it was past midnight, outside a club. They were drunk, and therefore, testimony could not be trusted.

But I'm not bitter. Don't get me wrong, I'll never trust a fat, skinhead, police academy dropout to look after my safety again, and I wouldn't be averse to hear that the club in question burnt down and was replaced with a Starbucks. But I'm not bitter...

Anyway, the main reason I'm writing this is that I think it's a good exercise of catharsis, and I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out that night, and throughout the investigation, you all know who you are.


P.S. Sorry if this made any of you awkward, but it's finished now. I promise I'll get right back to reporting the inane stories that so appeal to my core demographic (Hi Mum!).


  1. Wow. You don't seem to have much luck do you?

    I'm game for some arson, I don't mind.

  2. Aye, me and Lady Luck are going through a trial seperation at the moment, but she'll see the error of her ways.

    I'll have to learn to be a bartender. 'Cos I'm gonna make some Molotov Cocktails!

    Awful joke. Just terrible.
