Friday 22 April 2011

Who Exactly Dislikes Turtles?

So is anyone else getting really annoyed with all these bloody 'questions' on Facebook? You all know what I mean (unless you're foreign, in which case... how's it going over there?), those completely banal queries that clog up your news feed, and generally have absolutely no practical application.

Initially of course, they were new and quite novel, and we could see, through the use of 'statistics' whether or not football was better than rugby, or the North was better than the South of Britain. But now! Jesus Christ. People should not be allowed to ask any questions. Ever. It's not even the questions per say, the answers do not help. I remember one question in particular (I say I remember it, but I don't really. I think I must have repressed it) that was a pretty simple question which - to quote the Internet, "IMHO," had a maximum of about five answers. I'm very annoyed with myself that I can't remember the bloody question, oh well. And lo, it had 100 possible answers.

Ugh! One of those horrible flying beetles that look a little bit like a large bee just flew into my laptop screen. Scared the crap out of me. Anyway.

Seriously, 100 answers, and they didn't have any relevance to the question. It's all "I like Turtles" and rubbish like that. It just made me want to go cry in a corner over the state of humanity.

Probably the thing that most annoys me though, is that people will answer them. There was a question I saw the other day, which said something along the lines of "Are you looking forward to the royal wedding?" to which someone had answered "I am completely ambivalent." Then why the hell did you bother answering?!?!

Rant summarised: People annoy me.

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