Wednesday 13 April 2011

Thoughts from the Gap

Well the weather I so enjoyed the other week has disappeared, I was going to go for a run but the rain shoved a spanner in that. And so I find myself stuck inside, watching my cat show off his ability to sleep whenever he pleases. So I thought I'd write a blog post.

Most of you probably know my drill by now: search through the BBC's website, maybe the guardian or some other papers, and find a couple of stories I can playfully mock. But today, for some reason, I came up empty. Maybe there is simply nothing interesting, maybe the rain has made me apathetic. Either way I'm doing nothing more productive than spinning round on my chair and looking aimlessly around my clutter-ridden room, with the urge to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time becoming more pronounced by the second.

Tthis got me to thinking. Not about Zelda, but about my clutter. The vast majority of the mess in my room is made up of DVDs, books, CDs and video games. Not to mention all the controllers and dust jackets that come with them. Now, technology is becoming more and more sophisticated, that's a given, and this essentially means we are needing less "stuff." e.g. Current gen. consoles allow you to download games directly onto their hard drives, you can download or stream movies directly onto your computer without the need of a hard copy, and tablets like the iPad and the Kindle (does the Kindle count as a tablet?) make buying individual books almost obsolete.

The point I am trying to make is that pretty soon, my clutter wont exist in a physical form, it will all be a part of the ether. Think of it like this. it's 100 years from now, there are flying cars, clothes come in pill form, and everyone has been gene-spliced into atanomical perfection (Except for the poor, they will still be smelly and ugly). What is going to be in their houses? digital picture frames maybe, a pair of sunglasses that allow you to play games and watch television on them. Hell maybe they'll wear those things all the time and it'll be like the matrix whilst everyone is  really asleep in a pod filled with the liquefied dead!

Perhaps the occasional 'eccentric' will own some of the 'quaint' prehistoric technology like an iPod or a mammogram machine. but otherwise, any music they could want can live in an earpiece, movies can live in specs, and, if games involving the future are anything to go by, everything will be white (I'm not being racist by the way, I'm thinking along the lines of Mirror's Edge). So what will make their homes untidy? NickNacks? Dirty plates won't exist because everyone subsists on that Willy Wonka gum that contains a three course meal. All I can think of is furniture. From the meanest beggar to the grandest monarch, everyone enjoys a good sit.

I've forgotten the point of this post but I think it had something to do with the evolution of technology, and how pretty soon, there'll be much more space for me to spin round on my chair without bashing my knee against my chest-of -drawers.

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