This view went down the swanny with the last weeks reports that the paper faces accusations of hacking the phones of the victims of crimes, and their families. Most notably: the phones of murdered schoolgirl, Milly Dowler; and those of the families of victims of the 7/7 London bombings.
This intrusion into the lives of ordinary people in terrible situations had sparked public anger and has people calling for blood. Metaphorically. The News of the World started losing sponsors left and right, and many people who were involved (directly or indirectly) seem set to be put before the firing squad.

It's difficult to say how much the entire charade will have cost Murdoch. no doubt it'll be peanuts for him. but it is interesting to note that, though borne of different problems, Murdoch's other recent venture, The Daily, and online newspaper designed specifically for the iPad, has been a complete flop. Called "a complete failure of imagination" by the Telegraph. and the Guardian said: " it feels in places more like a newspaper created by a slightly dull committee rather than something with the kind of personality and viewpoint that truly great publications have."
One has to wonder whether or not these two failures could be linked to some kind of management problem within News Corps, and if so, whether it has been marked and is being scrutinised by competitors.
Perhaps an important question to take away from this is how much damage News Corps can take from this before more problems begin to develop. Personally I'm wondering how Murdoch's planned takeover of BSkyB will be affected.
Until next time, Avid Readers.
And remember, keep watching the Sky... News.
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