Sunday 19 June 2011

It's Father's Day, Father's Day, Gettin' Down on Father's Day.....

Nothing but a conman
Okay, so first we have to put up with 'Mothering Sunday,' an attempt by mothers to try and get out of the kitchen at least once a year. Now we have Father's Day landed on us amidst a smorgasbord of adverts for terrible CDs and shaving foam, all of which claiming to be "The perfect gift for Father's Day." Don't tell me what to get my dad. If I bought him that Micky Bubbles CD he'd probably chin me, and he's got a beard so shaving foam's about as useful as inflatable dumbbells.

Apart from anything I can't help but think that this whole thing is incredibly unfair. In fact, It's downright selfish of them! How dare they demand a shitty gift in exchange for a "growing ups" worth of attention and feeding, and annual buying of school uniforms. Crafty bastards...

Of course that doesn't mean I won't be giving my dad the obligatory Spike Milligan card and small prezzie. I mean, it's just good manners isn't it?

I am of course, to quote the Internet, JK! I'm not bitter, I'm just gonna make damn sure that when I have kids, I'll enforce Father's Day to the death.

Okay Avid Readers, have a great Father's Day, whether you're getting the gifts, or getting guilted out of them.

Much love guys.

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