Tuesday 28 February 2012

WINOL Bulletin 22/2/12 Overview

This is a slightly belated review of our latest bulletin from a production point of view.

Our main problem this week was not getting the packages early, and not getting them into the gallery in good time. There’s obviously only so much we can do about when we’re given the packages. But there was far too much of a kerfuffle with getting them into the gallery. At one point I think there were four or five HDDs/ USB drives with all of the packages on. For next week, we’ll set one HDD to have the packages, and as soon as they get into the gallery they have to be put onto the desktop so that the HDD can be taken out again.

The OB helped communicate with the newsroom somewhat, though the messages tended to be a little garbled. It may be worth simply making sure someone is near to it but not necessarily sitting on it. And also if, there is a specific person the gallery wants to talk to, simply put them on. No more second hand conversations.

The filming went pretty smoothly in my opinion, we had a couple of hiccups from missed timings and changing sound levels, but they weren’t too bad. The credits at the end having no sound as my fault as I just forgot to add it.

There was a bit of a glitch in the headlines where Hettie pronounced “Winchester” in a rushed way. We should have spotted that before that point and dealt with it. Somehow we all missed it and it got cleared up in post-production.

Overall, probably our best bulletin so far, we had a fair amount of practice time which allowed us to get to grips with the VTs and allow the presenters some breathing space.

This Wednesday, I think we can do the best so far. I can’t stress how much we want headlines to come in long before packages. Both early would be great, but the earlier we can get the headlines done, the sooner we can start practicing the main bulletin.

Let’s make this a leap year to remember!

Power trip over.

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