As far as the stories are concerned:
- I think that beginning with the student jobs story was a very good move as it is a big worry for anyone at uni.
- The prisoners story was very well presented, and while not directly relevant to students, I think it is a story that affects the entire country, our close proximity to a prison notwithstanding.
- The parking story is relevant as many students live in that area, or will be next year, it brings thought as to how to handle bringing a car to uni.
- The Southampton redundancy story was well chosen as it is not only a troubling problem, but it relates to the student employment story. Perhaps the two could have been linked somehow, more than they were.
During the break between the main bulletin and the interview, I thought that use of the Innocence Project was very clever as a poignant way of letting people know about it, and simply as a way of breaking up the segments without using advertisements or simply a cut.
During the rundown of what is happening in Winchester, it may have looked better if it had included stock footage of some kind, simply because watching someone speak with no accompaniment is not very interesting to watch. although I believe there was a time constraint (?) so maybe it would have been very difficult.
At the start of the interview, the presenter looked away from the camera and there was a very noticeable pause, perhaps this was something to do with a camera mix up, or being distracted. Either way, it did not seem particularly professional and if it was a camera mix up, then that should have been clear before filming began.
While the interviewer had some very good questions, she seemed very nervous (understandably) and maybe it would be worth trying to talk to whoever is being interviewed, beforehand and try to establish a rapport of some kind. Of course, not being there I don't know what the situation was. And talking to celebrities is not easy. I remember when I met the Chuckle Brothers.
All in all a very impressive effort, and is showing great improvement compared to the very first bulletin. Keep it up guys!
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